It is necessary for us as students in a visual way to understand art in all forms. Everything is capable of artistic design, and with this we are able to articulate tone and style beyond belief. Brand image, PR and all sorts of venues enable the audience to find out more about the subject matter. It is an immediate visual cue to intent of the company or of the product as it relates to the consumer lifestyle.
From my point of view, I think that a designer should be able to form a vastly comprehensible knowledge set when it comes to visual aesthetics. Art can influence many different styles. If the designer (or artist in this situation) cannot recreate that style, then they have failed the client. Creativity is at its very core an art form.
Again, everything has the capacity to be a work of art. This kind of meaning can be articulated through a web of connectivity. We as a collective think-tank exist in individualized frames of reference. Our point of views help us to relate and internalize what we see and therefore process them into likes and dislikes. For the circumstances set before me, it really does not matter if I have an affinity for a certain approach. I am the artist and not the audience. I am expected to educate myself about industry approach and influence before, during and after any given project or commission.
This being said, art is hard.
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