The Issue: Cialdini applies another one of his weapons of influence. Scarcity is the idea that people are more attracted to doing something if it is limited in availability.
Major Strength: A major strength of this section is in how many different ways Cialdini notices this effect in his day to day actions and the explanation for the force at work. In other sections Cialdini will sometimes get stuck on one instance of influence that is especially effective for him. Or he provides a ton of examples but doesn’t do a very effective job explaining what happens in his examples. However, with scarcity Cialdini focuses on both the example and the explanation with equal emphasis.
Major Weakness: I felt that the optimal conditions section was somewhat contradictory and hurt the validity of some of what he posed earlier in his argument on scarcity. For instance, he says that the situation may have a lot to do with wether or not scarcity tactics would work. By adding this section after the rest it makes you go back and question what is more important in the previous examples, the situation or the weapon of influence.
Underlying Assumption: Under the right conditions, people desire something more when it is less available.
Provocative Questions: Can the Time Limits section be used to explain procrastination? One might explain procrastination using the scarcity mindset, that because people have so much time to reach a deadline that they only choose to be productive when there is less time available. Is that thought process in-line with what Cialdini is explaining?