
COMM 210 – Web & Mobile Communications
Spring 2016

Brian Walsh
Powell 202-C

The development of the World Wide Web and the proliferation of mobile devices have transformed the way people gather information and communicate. In this course, students learn key terminology and principles of web and mobile communications. The course also demystifies basic technologies used to create web pages. Must be taken concurrently with COM 220. Prerequisite: C or better in COM 100.

Provide students with an overview of the terminology and concepts, basic hardware and software applications, and technologies for creating and managing web and mobile media.


  • Describe how technologies shape and interact with the world.
  • Describe basic web and mobile media terminology, including structures, architecture and networks, and usability concepts.
  • Explain structural components of the Internet such as domains, URLs, browsers and search engines and user-generated content applications such as blogs, social media and virtual communities.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the tools of technology, including basic hardware, software and technologies for creating and managing webpages such as HTML and CSS.

Class Requirements and Textbook

  • External hard drive
  • Textbook: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (O’Reilly Media) by Jennifer Niederst Robbins

Additional texts (on reserve in the library):

  • Responsive Web Design, Ethan Marcotte
  • Designing With Web Standards, Jeffrey Zeldman
  • Mobile First, Luke Wroblewski
  • HTML5 for Web Designers, Jeremy Kieth
  • Tapworthy , by Josh Clark (on Moodle as a PDF)

The class blog can be found at:


Quizzes (cumulative) 10%
Biography (Hello, World! Project) 5%
Basic site design (robot project) 15%
Research paper as HTML/CSS page 25%
Final project (resume) 40%
Professionalism (attendance, questions, quality of work) 5%

Any changes to this syllabus, including the assessment of graded work, may change throughout the Semester. Changes that arise will be discussed in class.


A range = 90-100

B range = 80-89

C range = 70-79

D range = 60-69

F = 59 and below

Late assignments will be deducted a letter grade. Assignments will no longer be accepted a week after their initial due date.


Brackets, cyberduck
basic HTML syntax
<head>, <body>, required tags and the boilerplate
file naming conventions
intro to FTP
uploading and finding your work
‘index.html’ and browser behaviors
Assignment: Hello, World! (Biography)
Additional HTML: <h1> > <h6>, <p>, <ul>, <ol>, <img>, <a>
File locations
Intro to Ipsum
Links, HTML images
Deprecated tags & how to Google help
Spaces, punctuation, and common errors
Assignment: Quiz
Intro to CSS: color, size, text manipulation
Block vs. Inline

More CSS: BG images, box model (margin/padding/border)
Removing the default browser margins
More HTML: floats
Specificity; ID & Class

Making a navigation bar, intro to inline-block
Web typography, Google fonts
Assignment: Robot project

Research project topics
media queries, break points
responsive images
project: research paper (responsive)


Fall/Spring Break

Embedding external content
pseudo-classes, advanced links

Sticky headers and sidebars; CSS positioning
Layout strategies

Adjusting content with layout for mobile

Iconography, color schemes, consistency, usability (mobile)
Common errors, what makes a good Web page?
Image optimization

Basic interactivity, JavaScript plugins

General Q&A on final project

All work due; class meets as informal lab


Elon’s honor pledge calls for a commitment to Elon’s shared values of Honesty, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility.  To be clear about what constitutes violations of these values, students should be familiar with the Judicial Affairs policies in the student handbook, including violations outlined at:

Students with questions about the specific interpretation of these values and violations as they relate to this course should contact this instructor immediately.  Violations in academic-related areas will be documented in an incident report to be maintained in the Office of Student Conduct, and may result in a lowering of the course grade and/or failure of the course with an Honor Code F.

Violations specifically covered by academic honor code policies include: plagiarism, cheating, lying, stealing and the facilitation of another’s dishonesty.  Multiple violations will normally result in a student’s temporary suspension from the University.


Students in the Department of Communications are expected to attend all classes. Just as professionals go to work each day, we expect students in a professional school to come to class on time and be prepared to work.

A student who misses more than 20 percent of scheduled classes in a term (more than eight absences for classes meeting three times a week, more than five absences for classes meeting twice a week, more than three absences for classes meeting once a week) automatically receives an F because the student has missed too much content and participation to pass a course in a professional school

Teachers will lower the final grade in a class for each absence beyond the equivalent of one week of class (three absences for classes meeting three times a week, two absences for classes meeting twice a week, and one absence during winter term, a summer session or a once-a-week class during a regular semester) as indicated in the course syllabus.

Exceptions exist for individual class absences for observance of a recognized religious holiday and for absences for participating in sanctioned university activities. Students participating in such events must follow policy as stated in the student handbook.


If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please register with Disabilities Services in the Duke Building, Room 108 (278-6500), for assistance in developing a plan to address your academic needs. For more information about Disabilities Services, please visit the website


In supporting religious diversity, Elon has a policy and procedures for students who wish to observe religious holidays that are in conflict with the academic calendar, allowing students an excused absence. Students who wish to observe a holiday during the semester must complete the online Religious Observance Notification Form (RONF), available at the following website within the first two weeks of the semester.

This policy does not apply during the final examination period. Students are required to make prior arrangements with the instructor for completion of any work missed during the absence. Once the completed RONF is received, the Truitt Center will confirm the excused absence with notification to the instructor and the appropriate academic dean, along with a copy to the student. Students may contact the Truitt Center staff with any questions (336-278-7729).