Author Archives: bwalsh5
Example Resumes
Your final project will be to make an online, interactive version of your resume. A rubric is forthcoming, but to get you started in thinking about your approach, here’s a few examples that iMedia students made this year:
Color Specificity
In class, we often declare colors such as ‘red’ or ‘teal’ in our CSS, but in the real world of Web design, much more specificity is used to select exact colors. In CSS, we have three ways to declare what colors we want to use: The ‘color name’ approach: ‘red’, ‘green’ – simple and useful for testing, but not good … Continue Reading
Block vs. Inline HTML Elements
Block Occupies entire horizontal ‘row’ ‘Listens’ to margin padding, and text-align rules Does not allow for side-by-side content in browser Examples include: h1, h2, h3, ul, ol, li, div, p Inline Only as wide as its content does not ‘listen’ to margin, padding, or text-align Allows content to show side-by-side Examples include: a, span More on the CSS ‘display’ property … Continue Reading
Web Article Topics
Class, for our next assignment, you’ll be asked to write a web article – we were calling it a ‘research paper,’ but that implies you’ll be citing sources in a bibliography and writing something really lengthy, neither of which is required! Instead, we ask that you write a short (450-800 words) article that summarizes an idea, debate, or history of comparable scale … Continue Reading
Robot Costume Rubric / Instructions
Your assignment is to take unformatted files, and add HTML and CSS to them to make a visually appealing Webpage. Here’s how to complete it: Download the ‘robotCostumeStartPoint’ folder from the ‘walsh’ server (accessed via Quicksilver). Please be sure to copy the folder to your own computer, and not work on the server. Following the instructions written in comments in … Continue Reading
‘Visual’ Resume Idea
Rather than listing your skills on your resume, it’s be better to indicate how good you are at each one – and even better to do so visually! I’ve created a page (and put it on Quicksilver) that illustrates how to make colored bars indicating your skill level. It can be found on Quicksilver at: ‘walsh’ > COM210 > progress. … Continue Reading
Resume / CSS Positioning Video
Resume Rubric
The resume assignment is our final project for the class, in lieu of a sit-down exam. You are required to update a digital copy of your resume, then copy its contents into the boilerplate. Think critically about how you’d like to present yourself visually – drawing out some sketches on paper or in Photoshop is a really good idea – and … Continue Reading
Fixed headers / sidebars
To set an element to be fixed, and not scroll, add the following CSS: position: fixed; …but please note that this will cause some strange things to happen at first: Your element will collapse horizontally, so you have to write in a width attribute. The content below your fixed element will be covered by the fixed element, so you’ll need … Continue Reading
Web Article Examples
These are example Web Articles handed in over previous Semesters, in no particular order: