For the Web Article assignment, start by picking a topic and writing a short paper on it. While the content of your paper – its writing quality, coherence, clarity – is of course important, it only accounts for a small portion of your grade. Additionally, you will be ‘porting’ this paper into HTML and CSS. Here’s how:
- Open your paper in whatever program you wrote it (Word, for example), and copy all of the text to the clipboard.
- Download the ‘boilerplate’ from the server to your work space (desktop, external hard drive, whatever)
- Open the ‘index.html’ file of the boilerplate, and paste your paper’s content in
- Follow the assignment requirements (below)
- Upload the content (the whole folder!) to the server, and send me a link to it
The requirements for the assignment are as follows:
- At least 450 words, up to 800 words
- Wrap your text in semantically correct HTML tags, such as <h1>, <h2>, <p>, <span>, <div>, <ul>, <li>,. etc.
- Use (at least) two images, and (at least) two links to external websites (have them open in new windows)
- Use at least two floats on the desktop layout of your page
- Use a #wrapper or #container, limiting the horizontal width of your page (for example, to 960px)
- Embed and use a custom font from Google Fonts
- Style the content with CSS, effectively adjusting margin, padding, and colors (you may benefit from choosing a simple color scheme before starting)
- Make the page responsive, so it down-sizes to a phone-sized screen gracefully, by writing media queries in your CSS. Be sure to test your page on a phone or skinny browser window to ensure it doesn’t appear with horizontal scrollbars or content too wide for the window.
- Upload the project to your student server via Cyberduck, and email me a link