Category: Teaching Visuals

Archive for the ‘Teaching Visuals’ Category

Feb 14 2007

Teaching Strategies: Conventions and Visuals

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Analyzing Visual Representations of Information to Determine Conventions

    Creating Visual Representations of Information

      • Students collect data and practice representing it in a visual form (table, graph, illustration, etc.).
      • The class can compare different representations and discuss what each version emphasizes/deemphasizes, etc.
      • Jessie’s favorite version—Colors of M&Ms
        • Provide each student/group with a package of M&Ms. Ask them to count the number of M&Ms in each color. (At this point, the whole class could create a table with “actual per packet,” “total,” and “average” information represented.)
        • Ask each student/group to create a visual representation comparing the amount of candies in each color included in their packet.
        • Give students information about the reported color break-down, as provided on the M&Ms website. (See handout)
        • Ask each student/group to create a second visual, comparing their actual color distribution with the company’s reported distribution.

      Repurposing a project for a different audience

        • As the examples above demonstrate, re-composed assignments could include a visual component—to inform, to persuade, to clarify, etc.
        • The re-composed product also could take an entirely visual or multimedia form:
          • Written proposal (to persuade) –> Video argument (to garner support)
          • Written synthesis of field research (to inform) –> Admissions video (to recruit)
        • Or vice-versa:
          • Video argument (to peers) –> Written proposal (to stakeholders)
          • Clustering (to illustrate relationships) –> Analysis paper (to compare one relationship in more detail)
        • When these types of activities are paired with a reflective analysis of the choices students are making, they facilitate meta-discussion about conventions and expectations, as related to audience and purpose.

        Feb 14 2007

        Teaching an Awareness of Conventions with Visuals

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        In spring 2006, 10% of students reported never engaging in activities that helped them understand that conventions vary. An additional 11% of students reported engaging in this type of activity only once.

        In fall 2006, 9% of students reported never engaging in activities that helped them develop an awareness that writing expectations and conventions vary within the academy and in professional and personal discourse. An additional 11% reported engaging in this type of activity only once.

        Even if we are conducting additional activities to develop this awareness, we need to help students identify differences in writing expectations and conventions. As a result, one of our 2006-2007 instructional goals is to provide activities that elicit an awareness that conventions vary. Furthermore, in addition to analyzing a variety of conventions, students should have the opportunity to compose for a variety of audiences and purposes in order to practice adjusting their compositions to account for differences in writing expectations.

        Oct 12 2005

        Assignment Showcase: Argument Construction (Jessie Moore)

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        For this assignment, you will create an argument map and construct a video argument.

        Task: Video Argument
        Audience: Your choice
        Purpose: Your choice
        Form: 30 sec – 1 min video
        • Make a claim
        • Support your claim with evidence
        • Include visual clues linking your evidence to your claim
        • Identify and respond to a rhetorical situation
        • Use the rhetorical appeals
        • Use a logical organization that supports your argument

        Complete an argument map before you begin constructing your video argument. Use the form at the end of these guidelines.

        To submit your argument, post it on Blackboard (as you would with any other assignment) or submit it on CD-Rom. Remember to include your argument map.

        You should complete a draft of your argument for Monday, February 21st. A revised draft is due with your Argument Analysis Portfolio on Monday, February 28th.

        Grading Criteria for Revised Arguments

        Needs Improvement Fair Excellent
        Thesis No clear thesis


        Identifiable thesis, but could benefit from revision


        Strong thesis guiding your argument


        Support for Thesis Minimal support for your claim


        Some support for your thesis, but some claims are unsubstantiated


        Excellent support for your thesis, incorporating specific examples


        Organization Minimal organization, potentially confusing readers; no clear paragraph structure


        Clear organization makes it easy for readers to identify support for claims, but transitions, the introduction, or the conclusion would benefit from revision


        Strong organization with clear transitions between supporting examples and a well-composed introduction and conclusion


        Editing Errors interfere with  the reader’s understanding


        Errors do not interfere with meaning, but the argument would benefit from additional editing


        Polished argument with minimal errors


        Argument Map Argument map is incomplete or not submitted


        Argument map outlines the rhetorical situation or the writer’s response to the situation, but not both


        Argument map includes a detailed analysis of the rhetorical situation and explains how the writer will respond to it to construct an effective argument


        Note on technology:

        If you have questions about using Windows Movie Maker, I encourage you to work with the Elite staff. The Elite program offers support for technology projects and can offer one-to-one instruction in using software programs that are available on campus.

        Argument Map

        Begin by answering the following questions. Use complete sentences to give detailed responses.

        • What is my purpose?
        • What is my relationship to my audience?
        • What voice is appropriate for this audience and purpose?
        • What is the social context for my argument?
        • What is my claim?
        • What evidence can I use to support my claim?
        • How does my evidence actually support my claim?
        • What are the larger implications for my main claim?
        • Is this an issue of substantiation, evaluation, or policy? Why?
        • What differing views can I anticipate?
        • How can I use each of the rhetorical appeals as I construct my argument?

        Next, fill in an argument map. For each claim, identify four examples of evidence for your claim and articulate your enabling assumptions that allow you to use the evidence to support your claim. Identify two differing views and qualifiers that you could use to acknowledge the presence of these differing views.

        My Claim My Enabling Assumptions My Evidence
        My Qualifiers Differing Views


        My Claim My Enabling Assumptions My Evidence
        Mr. Claw’s traditional approach to teaching does not correspond with his students’ learning styles, so he should consider teaching with technology to appeal to a wider variety of learning styles. When students sleep in class, it sometimes indicates that they are bored with the material or with the presentation of the material. Mr. Claw’s students sleep in class.
        Since his students don’t hear enthusiasm in Mr. Claw’s voice, they have a hard time differentiating what he thinks is most important from the rest of his lecture material. Mr. Claw’s lecture sounds monotonous (“squeak, squeak, squeak”).
        The millennium generation is used to multimedia presentations, so they might respond better to high-tech activities than they do to traditional lectures. Mr. Claw’s students are members of the millennium generation.
        Students who are active learners might be more engaged by teaching approaches that encourage their active participation in class discussions. Since OpenMind facilitates whole-class brainstorming activities, it encourages active participation. OpenMind software, an alternative to traditional lectures, encourages class participation.
        My Qualifiers Differing Views
        Although some students initially might be uncomfortable using OpenMind software in class, the Elite staff can provide them with extra support. Some students are uncomfortable using technology.
        Although some students still might find the topic boring, appealing to different learning styles will help Mr. Claw engage more students. Some students just aren’t interested in the topic, so it doesn’t matter how you teach it.

        Oct 12 2005

        Assignment Showcase: Visual Argument Analysis (Jessie Moore)

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        Select an advertisement from Note the title of the advertisement and its location in the Ad*Access Database so that you can include this information in the introduction of your essay. Complete a close reading of the advertisement, and in a two- to three-page, double-spaced, persuasive essay, evaluate the overall effectiveness of the visual argument presented in the advertisement. What is the main claim of the advertisement? What type of issue (substantiation, evaluation, policy) does it address? What is the context for the ad? Who is the intended audience? How does the ad use the rhetorical appeals—ethos, pathos, and logos? Does the ad include evidence to support its claim? What other visual features support the ad’s claim? Overall, how effective is the ad’s argument?

        Your essay should include an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with support for your thesis, and a conclusion. You should complete a draft of your essay for Wednesday, February 16th and submit it on Blackboard. A revised draft is due with your Argument Analysis Portfolio on Wednesday, February 23rd. I will use the following grading criteria to assess the final, revised version of your Visual Argument Analysis.

        Needs Improvement Fair Excellent
        Thesis No clear thesis


        Identifiable thesis, but could benefit from revision


        Strong thesis guiding the essay


        Support for Thesis Minimal support from a close reading of the text


        Some support from a close reading of the text, but some claims are unsubstantiated


        Excellent support from a close reading of the text, incorporating specific examples



        Minimal organization, potentially confusing readers; no clear paragraph structure


        organization makes it easy for readers to identify support for claims, but transitions, the introduction, or the conclusion would benefit from revision


        Strong organization with clear transitions between supporting examples and a well-written introduction and conclusion


        Editing Errors interfere with  the reader’s understanding


        Errors do not interfere with meaning, but the essay would benefit from additional editing


        Polished essay with minimal errors
