
Oct 14 2009


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Listing, Brainstorming, Freewriting, Cluster Maps, Looping or Focused Freewriting, Journalist’s Questions (Who, What, when, Where, Why, How), Topical Questions (Definition, Comparison, Testimony, Relationship/Cause/Motive/Purpose, Circumstance/Context), Researching, Discovery Draft, Writing Dialogue or Role-Play, Sketching, Mapping, Visual Brainstorming, Journaling

  • Sketching or Mapping: Ask students to draw a picture or map of a concept or place. Who is involved? How and where do they interact? What’s nearby? Jessie uses this activity, for instance, when she’s introducing campus proposal projects. She asks students to draw maps of sections of campus or buildings related to their topics and then to add the people who occupy or interact with the space, adjoining spaces/things that would impact or be impacted by a change to the initial space, etc.
  • Rhetorics as Resources: The Academic Writer (Chapter 9), Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age (Chapter 3), Harbrace Guide to Writing (Chapters 3, 10-13)

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