Objectives-Based Course Design

Nov 14 2007

Objectives-Based Course Design

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Backwards Course Design helps faculty plan their course assignments and activities around the goals they are trying to achieve. As the attached worksheets suggest, faculty begin Backwards Course Design by identifying their objectives or desired student learning outcomes. Faculty then determine what would serve as appropriate evidence that students have achieved the objectives; evidence could include successful completion of objectives-based assignments or the ability to apply previous ideas to a new task. Next, faculty plan relevant direct instruction and related student activities to support student learning.

This step-by-step strategy for course design helps faculty ensure that their classes support the course objectives and that they are scaffolding students’ progress towards meeting those objectives.

Designing Your Course: Desired Results

All sections of College Writing aim to achieve the following results.

Shared Outcomes for English 110: College Writing
Students develop a/an…
Sophisticated writing process—including invention, peer responding, revising, and editing—that results in a clear, effective, well edited public piece Sophisticated understanding of the relationship of purpose, audience, and voice, and an awareness that writing expectations and conventions vary across rhetorical situations Appreciation for the capacity of writing to change oneself and the world
Students will…
Write to persuade by analyzing, interpreting, researching, synthesizing, and evaluating a wide variety of sources Write to academic audience, to non-academic audiences, and for one’s own purposes Write on the spot (determining the audience and purpose of given writing situations) Orally present their work/writing
Students can expect that…
The majority of writing in English 110 is argumentative/persuasive Credit for process is no more than one-third of a student’s grade Courses addressing a single theme or topic are preapproved exceptions, rather than the norm College Writing is taught with writing as content, not as a writing-intensive course that uses writing simply to learn some other content.

Designing Your Course: Determine Acceptable Evidence

Shared Objective Sophisticated writing process—including invention, peer responding, revising, and editing—that results in a clear, effective, well edited public piece Sophisticated understanding of the relationship of purpose, audience, and voice, and an awareness that writing expectations and conventions vary across rhetorical situations Appreciation for the capacity of writing to change oneself and the world
Acceptable Evidence (Assignments, Projects, Graded Activities, etc.)

  • Brainstorm as many options as possible
  • Consider sequencing related assignments across objectives
  • Identify possible assignments that also support the ENG 110 shared experiences

Designing Your Course: Determine Acceptable Evidence – Meeting Objectives & Experiences

How could your objective-linked assignment facilitate offering students the identified shared experiences?

Shared Experiences Objective 1 Assignment:

Objective 2 Assignment: Objective 3 Assignment:
Writing to persuade by analyzing, interpreting, researching, synthesizing, and evaluating a wide variety of sources
Writing to academic audiences, to non-academic audiences, and for one’s one purposes
Writing on the spot
Presenting work/writing orally

Designing Your Course: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Objective 1 Assignment:

Objective 2 Assignment: Objective 3 Assignment:

Relevant Direct Instruction

Related In-Class and Out-of-Class Activities to Support Student Learning & Completion of the Assignment

Designing Your Course: Experience Checklist

Will my course design ensure that students receive instruction in and have opportunities to practice…?

  • Analyzing Rhetorical Situations
    • Audience & Purpose Analysis
    • Convention Analysis
    • Rhetoric Terminology
  • Writing for Varied Audiences and Purposes
    • Writing to Academic Audiences
    • Writing to Non-Academic Audiences
    • Writing for One’s Own Purpose
  • Developing a Successful and Individualized Writing Process
    • Invention (freewriting brainstorming, clustering, etc.)
    • Planning & Drafting (controlling purpose/thesis, workable plan, etc.)
    • Peer Response
    • Self-Assessment of Writing
    • Revision
    • Editing
    • Independently Planning & Managing the Writing Process
  • Writing Academic Arguments
  • Developing and Refining Research Questions
  • Identifying and Evaluating Print and Electronic Sources
  • Integrating Research
    • Summarizing and Synthesizing Sources
    • Using Source Material as Evidence
    • Meeting Conventions for Citing Sources
  • Presenting Work/Writing Orally
  • Managing Several of the Above Strategies/Practices At Once?


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