Feb 17 2011

Simple Frustrations I Overcame

Published by at 8:56 pm under Miscellaneous

The first frustration I encountered was that the entire semester pretty much goes by with little to no official feedback from the professors on how your learning is taking shape. This is so different from undergrad, in which you have periodic exams to gauge progress. But now I know in order to overcome that frustration is to simply take some hypos I worked out to my professors and they are more than happy to provide feedback!

The second frustration I encountered was this “study group” thing. Being an introvert, I have always been content studying alone. So it was hard to see the value in study groups. However, what I realized was the easy thing to do to make sure the experience is productive is: 1. Study with those whose personalities fit well with your own 2. Study with those who are as serious about their work as you are about your own. And 3. Make a plan before you guys meet as to what the objectives of the study session will be.

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