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What type of evidence are we using in evidence-based teaching?

From college-to-career readiness discussions to  professional networks to publications on teaching, higher education stakeholders are witnessing steadily increasing calls for evidence-based teaching. Yet what do policy makers, administrators, and faculty/academic staff mean by “evidence-based”?

Lee Shulman suggests that our understanding of “evidence-based” has been too limited. Often “evidence-based” focuses on a body of published research, which Shulman identifies as Evidence 1. Although this type of evidence is substantive, Shulman argues that continual data collection and assessment (Evidence 2) supplements and extends published evidence. In addition, education stakeholders need a “systematic set of protocols” for reexamining evidence and the categories of evidence in play and for combining types of evidence to form practical arguments (Evidence 3).

Lee Shulman describes these three types of evidence in the video below:


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