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Students Can Transfer Knowledge – Additional Resources

This week’s Chronicle of Higher Education includes Dan Berrett’s story, “Students Can Transfer Knowledge if Taught How” (subscription required), which features research from participants in the Center’s 2011-2013 Elon Research Seminar on Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer.

To learn more about writing transfer research, see the Elon Statement on Writing Transfer and our showcase of the participants’ presentations and publications.

We’re excited about the rich, multi-institutional research coming out of the Center’s research seminar, and we look forward to sharing more outcomes of the seminar with you soon.

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Crowdsourcing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Sharing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects online is not a new concept. The University of Kansas Center for Teaching Excellence has a well established portfolio gallery and the Elon Teaching and Learning Partnership highlights SoTL projects by secondary and post-secondary school faculty – just two examples of SoTL online.

Yet what would it look like if the SoTL community embraced online tools to disseminate research more quickly and more broadly, while also facilitating peer review of projects? Lee Shulman imagines the possibilities of crowdsourcing SoTL:

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