January 20 – Sydney, Bridge Climb

Tuesday was full of adrenaline and adventure.  The day began with a 40 minute walk through Sydney to get to the bridge climb. On the way, we trekked though the botanical gardens while it rained.  It felt like another walk through the rainforest.  When we got to the bridge I was excited to see how high up we would be able to climb.


The day started quite dreary but the sky luckily cleared up and the sun broke through right after we got to the bridge.  After suiting up in jump suits and harnesses we were guided along narrow platforms to start the journey up the 440 foot high bridge.  Many of the platforms were grated allowing us to look straight down to the rushing cars and the beautiful harbor.  As we got higher, we could see how massive and incredible Sydney is.  At all points of the climb we could see the opera house jutting out into the harbor.  I was thrilled and full of adrenaline as the powerful wind pushed us away from the platforms. It took us over an hour to get to the top of the bridge and when we got there I leaned over the edge holding my arms out allowing the wind to hold me up.  We had a safety line attached so it was safe.  The architecture of the bridge was incredible. The bridge was built during the depression and little was known about building such a massive bridge because there was not another one built in Australia.  Today the bridge is still the largest in the world in terms of length, width, and strength.  Our guide told us gut wrenching stories of how the bridge was built.  There were no safety lines or modern building technologies so the entire structure was built by hand.


After the bride walk, six of my friends and I took a taxi to Bondi beach to hangout and surf. Every Australian that I encountered was so nice and I even got to rent a surfboard for free purely out of kindness.  I was the only one who knew how to surf, but I had a great time surfing for hours and talking to the locals out on the water.  The rain and stormy weather that rolled through in the morning brought a great clean swell to surf. I caught so many waves and landed cutbacks and other steezy maneuvers.  It was sick.
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