Living brown and Black on a white campus: navigating predominantly white or culturally limited environments

Posted on: October 6, 2024 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: Guest posts

[Note: This is a guest post to this blog. Please contact me if you would like to make a contribution.] Living brown and Black on a white campus: navigating predominantly white or culturally limited environments   Introduction In spaces where diversity is often the exception rather than the norm, such as in predominantly white institutions, the act of self-expression can become complex, layered with unspoken rules about how much of oneself to reveal. For first-generation individuals, immigrants, ethnically diverse, or those from historically underrepresented backgrounds, navigating these spaces often involves a strategy of carefully balancing an act between authenticity and assimilation. This concept speaks to the unspoken need to be agreeable, and to shield certain aspects of one’s identity in order to fit into environments that may not fully understand or accept experiences and perspectives. In this collaborative piece, several voices come together to reflect on their personal journeys of…

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