
As the school year comes to an end for most college students, we find ourselves overwhelmed with multiple group projects, papers and tests.  Our time management skills are put to the test as we scramble to finish this semester's work while still finding the time to attend all those fun social events that come with ...

As a physician assistant student, I hear so many different pharmaceutical drug names thrown around all the time. Whether it be generic or brand names, the list of FDA approved medications is never ending and continues to grow each day. No medical provider or student can possibly memorize every single drug out there, each containing a ...

Since receiving my iPad five months ago, I have had many peers ask me if it is worth getting an iPad for school. My answer: yes, if it fits into your budget. The iPad is definitely a luxury item that makes certain aspects of school easier but at the same time can be very pricey. ...

TouchSurgery is an interactive app created for Apple devices intended to teach various surgical procedures. It is available for either the iPhone or the iPad free in the App Store. Its user interface is simple and ergonomic. The pictures of the surgeries are vibrant and accurate. The app can be best appreciated on an iPad ...

Popular visual apps such as Instagram and Vine enable users to share our lives with friends and family instantly. Sure these apps let us share moments but what about telling our whole story of the eventsleading up to that moment? Storehouse is a free app where we can compile all of those moments into a ...


I am jolted awake to find myself in a room of chaos. Bright lights are flashing and the sound of a siren echoes throughout the room. I quickly get out of bed and begin to put on my boots as we all listen intently for the voice that is about to come over the loudspeaker. ...