College is worth the high tuition cost because of networking. Networking is an important part of modern society. The more people one creates connections with, the more help and options one will have to finding a job that he or she is happy with. A college education is important to everyone in society for multiple reasons. Not only does a person gain knowledge and experience in their field of study by attending college, but a person can make valuable connections that can help one in the future find a successful and worthwhile career. Therefore, a full college education is worth the large expenses a student must pay while attending college because the relationships a student makes throughout his or her four years in college are indispensable.

College gives a student the perfect opportunity to choose a career path that one would want to do in the future. There are multiple ways that colleges offer students the guidance and help they need to gain connections that a student can utilize to help them find their future career. One useful way a student can find an opportunity to network is through student development centers that most colleges offer. Visiting a student development center is a great way to explore one’s interests. A student development center doesn’t just help a student find potential jobs and internships but also helps students create their resumes and prepare students for job interviews. Attending college also helps students build up their resumes. There are so many clubs and volunteer organizations that a student can join that fits with what a student may want to do in the future. When applying for a job companies want to see that a person has been involved with many different activities. Those that go to college are given numerous options to be involved with clubs or other organizations that will help strengthen a student’s resume. Another great thing about student development centers is that the professional advisors that work there will guide students on how to create a strong resume. Advisors will also hold mock interviews to prepare students when it is time for them to search for an internship or job. This is another reason why college is worth the cost, a student has professionals helping them to better their chances of being hired when looking for a job.

Currently, college students after graduation have a much easier time getting hired in the workforce. Employers increasingly want workers with at least some college education rather than those who only have a high school education or less.  ““College level skills determines access to decent jobs now,” said Anthony Carnevale, the Georgetown University center’s director and lead author of the report. “The modern economy continues to leave Americans without a college education behind.”” College graduates are more likely to land higher paying jobs than those with only a high school education right after graduation. A study found that 2.8 million jobs that paid over $53,000 went to people with a Bachelor’s degree and only 39,000 jobs went to those with just a highschool education. Employers want to raise education standards for the people they hire. More than half of employers who have raised their companies education standards have claimed that they have seen higher quality work as a result.  43% of employers reported that they witnessed better productivity and 20% even claimed they have had a positive impact on revenue. What also makes it easier for graduate students to get well paying jobs after college is the fact that employers will visit major universities across the United States offering interviews and boasting of their companies’ benefits. Employers would rather take college students because they have had an advanced education. College students also tend to have more experience through the internships that most take while attending college giving them an advantage over high school students.

A college education is definitely worth having. A person has a better chance of finding jobs that they want by making connections with people in a prime social setting. Not only does a student have friends and teachers to help them out when searching for the right job, but students also have access to development centers that will try their hardest to find a career path that suits that particular student. Personally, just by talking to my academic advisor about wanting to have a possible career in music production, my academic advisor has given me a list of people I can contact for potential internships.  These connections and Internships will allow myself to gain more experience to better help me when it is time to actually look for a future job. When it comes down to it, a college student will have a better chance of finding a job when compared to others who don’t have a college education. College students will also have a greater chance of having a job they will actually enjoy and that pays well.