Reinvent the Toilet | Jeff Piascik

November 14, 2017 10:21 pm
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Jeffrey Piascik, senior research engineer at RTI in the Research Triangle Park, is an expert in materials and testing technologies, including transformative technologies for water and sanitation health initiatives. He is part of a partnership with other engineers and social scientists at RTI, Duke University and Colorado State University working to develop and test an affordable toilet that safely sanitizes and recycles human waste without inputs of electricity, water or other infrastructure.

Jeffery and his team are looking into new ways of reinventing the toilet. Sanitation has become a widespread crisis that negatively impacts the lives of people all over the world. To help relieve this issue, RTI has explored innovative approaches to create safe and sustainable management of human waste. Jeffery and his team accept the challenge to find sustainable sanitation solutions those who don’t have access to safe, affordable sanitation.
