Some Flexbox Terms…

display: flex;   /* as opposed to ‘display: block;’ or ‘display: inline;’ – makes your container flexible! */

flex-direction: row; (column;)  /*adjust the main axis to be vertical or horizontal */

flex-wrap: wrap / no-wrap  /*allow content to wrap inside a fixed-width container */

flex-flow: row wrap /*combines the above two rules! */

flex-shrink: 0/1   /*allow or disallow content to shrink beneath the default value */

flex-grow: 0/1    /*allow or disallow content to grow beneath the default value */

min-height: 100vh;    /* ‘vh’ equals 1/100th of the browser’s overall height */

min-wifth: 100vw;   /* ‘vh’ equals 1/100th of the browser’s overall height */

align-items: center;  /* ‘vertically center content */

justify-content: center; /* ‘horizontally center content */

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